
Democracy, as an ideal of political organization and as a form of coexistence, has historically signaled a demand for greater equality and representation. The contemporary debate on democracy focuses on the capacity or inability of the political system to manage and represent the interests and needs of the population, considering its diversity, as well as the capacity to neutralize the historical structural expressions of inequality and discrimination towards broad sectors of the population.

The National Platform for Women is a concise and persuasive document that identifies priority issues for Iraqi women and provides sound recommendations for government policy and political party action. Written by a group of women representing Iraq’s regional, political, ethnic and religious diversity, this document includes consensus policy positions on a number of issues, including: healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and political participation.

البرنامج الوطني للمرأة

الناشر:منشورات المعهد الديمقراطي الوطني.

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