Under the USAID Global Elections and Political Transitions (GEPT) award, CEPPS kicked off the Youth DRG CSI with a launch event bringing together practitioners, donors, and young leaders from across the world. This initiative is a forum and learning community for youth development practitioners to explore challenges and opportunities that foster meaningful political participation and leadership by young people. 

In more than 70 countries around the world, including Georgia, the National Democratic Institute works with a wide range of partners to support democratic processes. NDI does not choose sides or support particular outcomes.

The book Crossroads of Democracy in Honduras and Central America seeks to contribute to the strengthening of Honduran democracy. IUDPAS-UNAH reflects on the most important long-term challenges faced in the region and of Honduras. Specifically, it outlines the political and electoral reforms necessary to achieve the participatory, inclusive and transparent democracy that citizens demand.

Traditionally, political party programs have focused on providing various forms of technical assistance to party activists and leaders. However, without strong incentives for change, greater organizational capacity alone rarely leads to more inclusive, responsive, and accountable political parties. As a result, assistance providers have started to supplement technical assistance to parties with interventions to incentivize more responsive, inclusive, and accountable parties.

As part of a global NDI effort to promote information integrity, NDI developed an awareness-raising resource for distribution to NDI staff and local partners. As we know, disinformation is a growing and critical threat to democracy worldwide. Disinformation is spreading more rapidly and widely, and is being used to distort political discourse, spread cynicism, and distrust in governing institutions, and interfere with citizens’ abilities to make informed political decisions. 

This eight-part analysis encompasses a range of aspects of the 2015 elections, including: 1) political conflicts; 2) the electoral system; 3) the role of the media; 4) political party financing and campaign spending; 5) electoral justice; 6) the role of electoral bodies in Guatemala; 7) the performance of the political system; and 8) political participation. The study seeks to provide practical information and analysis to Congress, the electoral authorities, executive branch, and civil society organizations and activists.


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