Gender equality is central to EU membership (Romania) and accession treaties (Albania, BiH, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia). Nonetheless, women in political life in SEE face many obstacles, including gender-based discrimination and stifling traditional gender roles. Women are politically underrepresented in all SEE countries, and in all decision-making bodies. Women from ethnic minority groups as well as LGBTQI+ communities face further marginalization and exclusion.

March 10, 2021

Faces of Democracy: Taiwan

Faces of Democracy: Taiwan is an NDI produced video series that showcases the lives and political journeys of four women working in politics in Taiwan. These videos each tell the personal story of Hsu Chiao Hsin, Pin Yu Lai, Miao Po Ya, and Tuhi Martukaw, in their words and from the perspective of colleagues who know them best. This series illustrates how the perseverance of these policymakers is shaping a diverse and democratic political landscape in Taiwan. 

December 10, 2020


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