In an article written for the U.S. Institute of Peace, NDI Senior Country Director for Nepal Deborah Healy and Program Director for Asia-Pacific Sneha Moktan cover how the latest bout of coalition politics in Nepal glosses over the country’s troubling drift away from democratic principles and toward further political instability.  “[Nepal’s] positive momentum seems to now be staggering, with the same actors from several decades ago largely interested in maintaining a status quo while inflation steadily rises and federalism struggles,” they urge. 

December 20, 2022
October 19, 2022

The National Democratic Institute (NDI), in partnership with the International Republican Institute (IRI), produced a House Democracy Partnership (HDP) Global New Member Orientation Manual to support newly elected members of parliament (MPs) and staff in onboarding to the legislature. The manual offers guidance for legislators and staff in their orientation to the legislature, outlining global examples from HDP partner countries and beyond. 

September 7, 2022
August 29, 2022
August 16, 2022

Information integrity is a growing concern to strong democracies globally, as unreliable and inaccurate information threaten citizens' ability to hold their government accountable. Since independence in 2008, Kosovo has progressed in establishing strong democratic institutions, but it continues to face political, ethnic, and gender-based tensions, as well as frequent instances of foreign interference and a high level of citizens online.


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